Last month I spoke at a weekend retreat for Richfield Life Ministries Church. The Mistress of Ceremonies, Missy Dietz, shared the following story:

The summer my daughter was four years old, she and her little sister, age two, spent day after sun-filled day playing with the dandelions in our yard. The girls made dandelion soup and dandelion pie. They filled pots and cups and buckets and wagons. Each night we tossed the girls into the bathtub, yellow from dandelion pollen.

One Friday evening, their daddy came home from work and told the girls they needed to go inside because he was going to mow the yard. My four-year-old ran sobbing into the house. She cried and cried because she knew from experience that her beloved dandelions would be gone—mowed off.

The next morning, she went to the huge picture window in our living room and peered out. She ran to the yard, and then quickly turned and raced back inside shouting for her daddy.

She grabbed his hand, pulled him into the yard where the dandelions had bloomed yet again. She exclaimed, “Look! God gave me my own miracle!”

Where we saw unwanted weeds, my daughter saw a miracle straight from God.

As Missy shared this story, it reminded me of how easily, as responsible adults, we lose sight of the wonders and joys of being a child. I thought of ways we could recapture some on those delightful childlike moments. Here are a few ideas:

Have a playful spirit

Making dandelion soup may sound more messy than amusing to you. But what gives you a feeling of lightheartedness? Riding your bike on that trail you wanted to visit? Enjoying that book you’ve told yourself you don’t have time to read? Going on a drive just for the pleasure it brings?

Embrace childlike faith

A childlike faith doesn’t stop to consider if it is all right to ask for new dandelions in your yard. A childlike faith accepts that God loves you just as you are. He won’t punish you for expressing what’s on your heart. God might say no, but you can ask HIM anyway.

Delight in what God gives

From the despair of mowed dandelions to the excitement a lawn filled with new flowers, delight in all that God brings your way. A puppy. A sunset. Time with a friend.

Set free your imagination

If you are mired in a limited perspective of your situation, give yourself the freedom to perceive your problems in new ways. This morning I challenged myself to go outdoors and see the world around me anew. I saw the bank of clouds in the distance as silvery mountains instead of harbingers of rain. I smelled the fresh air of spring.

Then reality hit.

I noticed that rabbits had chewed on the fern sitting on my front porch. They’d also eaten half of the plant I potted a week ago. Anger and frustration replaced delight and joy. I thought of the words of Jesus, “In this world you will have trouble . . .” Yes, big and little problems are ever present.

But I don’t regret taking a few moments to delight in the world around me. I headed to the flower beds in my backyard. Pinching off one of the white bell-shaped flowers from my lily of the valley, I inhaled the sweet fragrance. I smiled picturing myself as a child skipping on the grass path of my great aunt’s enchanted garden and collecting a little bouquet of the blossoms just for her.