We’ve been sheltering in place for weeks now, and I know many people are really struggling. When we’re having a hard time – regardless of what triggered it – it’s easy to fall into coping mechanisms that are not helpful for long-term health and sanity.

I posted a question on my personal Facebook page a while back and got some truly incredible responses from women who have gone through challenging times and come through on the other side. At the time of their post they were not facing life with COVID-19. Yet, their responses were very similar to what we are wrestling with now.

The question I asked was, “We seem to know how to numb our emotional pain, but do you understand how you can heal it? If so, share something that helped you.” It was a simple invitation, but it garnered a treasure trove of insightful, encouraging answers from the women in my sphere of influence.

Their responses were so inspiring!

Here is a quick sample of some of the suggestions:

  • “Taking the first small action-step. Just one. Every time I feel overwhelmed and lost, I decide to take just one step. One step away from the problem can become the same step toward the solution.”
  • “The first thing God told me after my husband left was, ‘Don’t get bitter. It ties my hands from helping your restoration. Do. Not. Go. There.’ It was very hard to keep the thoughts and feelings turned over to him, but it was well worth it. And is still worth it today.”
  • “Surrounding myself with people and things that bring me joy.”
  • “Name the feeling and grieve the feeling. Write and journal about what you are feeling. And GET HELP!”
  • “Get in nature. If you’re a beach girl go to the beach. And if you’re a mountain man go to the mountains. If you prefer the plains or meadows find yourself there. If you planted a garden tend to your soul amongst the flowers. There’s a connective, healing, quieting, comforting quality to stand in and look out at God’s creation, and just be.”

There are many more experiences and suggestions over in the comments on the original post. If you have a few minutes, please head over to that post. Read the rest of the comments from other women who have been where you are now and have come out on the other side.

Before I sign off, I wanted to point out one more comment from this Facebook post that struck me:

  • “Your coaching was so incredibly helpful and blessed me at a time that was so difficult!!! ♥️”

There were several others who talked about coaching and the people helpers who enabled them to walk through the mire. The bottom line for any healing journey is that having someone who can walk you through the changes in your life is invaluable! Whether you choose to work one-on-one with a life coach like me or join a group coaching program like ReBUILD After Divorce, or seek a therapist, getting the support you need is CRITICAL to your ultimate healing. When the pain is intense a counselor is best. But coaching is valuable when you find yourself frustrated and stuck, unable to move forward.

If you’d like to talk about whether life coaching is right for you and your situation, here are three simple steps to start the conversation.

  1. Schedule a complimentary call at https://calendly.com/georgiashaffer/discoverycall.
  2. We’ll have a casual conversation to discuss where you are and where you want to go
  3. Together we’ll discuss your next step in the direction you want.

I’d love to walk with you as you learn to thrive in this new season of life.

Praying for you this week,


P.S. – Don’t forget, you can check out all the comments on the original Facebook post here. I’d love to hear YOUR suggestions, as well!