Does your heart feel heavy? Are your feelings just too much to handle? Let’s talk about how to lighten your emotional load this Christmas!

How to lighten your emotional load this Christmas

We are so busy this time of year, it’s easy to push our feelings aside. Who has time to deal with them? The problem is, if we choose to ignore those emotions, we will end up dragging them not only through the holidays, but into the beginning of 2021, as well.

Here are some symptoms that the emotional load you are carrying might be getting too heavy to bear and impacting your ability to connect with others.

  • I think only of my problems and my little world. I feel little or no empathy for what others are facing this Christmas.
  • I tend to isolate myself from others emotionally, because I feel safer and more secure that way.
  • I am easily hurt, offended, and hypersensitive this time of year.
  • I feel constantly dissatisfied and have no feelings of gratitude for the beauty of the season.
  • I yearn for constant approval and affirmation from others to validate my worth.

While anxiety and depression are normally higher during the holiday season, according to Jack Kelly, senior contributor for Forbes, “The amount of Americans reporting anxiety symptoms is triple the number of this time last year.”

It’s a frightening statistic, but it’s also one we can fight. What would happen if you took the list above and intentionally chose to do the opposite?

  • When you find yourself focusing on yourself and your problems, do one thing for someone else. It can be something simple, like emailing them an encouraging note about how much they mean to you.
  • Don’t use the need to stay safe during this pandemic to justify why you don’t talk to someone. Life these days is different, but we still need to connect creatively with those who are important to us. For instance, if you can’t travel or meet in person, can you set up a FaceTime or zoom call with family and friends?
  • Own your hurts and grudges, rather than wallowing in self-pity for what others have said or how they’ve treated you. Find healthy ways to express your feelings. For instance, ask God to help you forgive them and to ask for forgiveness for how you’ve hurt others.
  • You’ve heard this many times because it’s true: When you are grateful for what you do have it helps to minimize your dissatisfaction with your life.
  • No matter how poorly you behave, as a Christian you still have value and worth in God’s eyes. So, be compassionate with yourself, which will enable you to be more caring with others during this hectic time.

This Christmas don’t stay stuck in your stuff. Lighten your emotional load—which of course makes more space for laughter, love, and light-hearted feelings.

While you’re thinking about this challenge, send a note to my Facebook page and share what you’ve done to lighten your emotional load this season! We’d love to hear what strategies have worked for you that may encourage others.

… for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

~ Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV) ~



P.S. – We have a new, fun QUIZ coming in January to give you even more insight into how much of an emotional load you’re actually carrying around with you — and tips for how to lighten that load even more. Stay tuned!