In her book, Extraordinary in the Ordinary, Lanie Ehlinger, suggests praying and choosing something in nature that reminds you of the Lord’s great love for you personally. She chose ladybugs and yellow butterflies. For me, hearing the male red cardinal and seeing Monarch butterflies feels like God is giving me a kiss on the cheek. More than once when I am discouraged, a Monarch will cross my path or I will hear the distinct sound of the cardinal. Once again, I am reminded I am loved.
Since God is a personal God I decided to ask my Facebook friends and those in my writer’s group what in nature speaks of God’s personal love for them. It’s interesting that many mentioned birds, butterflies and flowers.
The variety of birdsong and the myriad designs and colors of flowers remind me of God’s love for me in giving me such a beautiful world to enjoy.–Gayle Roper, PA
The majesty of the mountains or the light of the sun as it penetrates a thickly clouded sky with rays that are blatantly visible reaching down to touch the earth.–Jeannie Murphy, GA
I love the beauty of nature–flowers, water, anything green. When I see these things, I feel like God is giving me a special gift of hope and encouragement and it feeds my soul.–Sue Foster, CA
Flowing creeks and waterfalls. The sound of them helps me visualize His living water.–Linda Goldfarb, TX
It’s birds of prey for me. Majestic. Fierce. Powerful. Beautiful.–Dianne McGowan, CA
I like beautiful skies, and the sound of birds singing in the morning.–Sharon Baxley, MD
The sight of flowering trees-redwoods, dogwoods, crabapples-they’re all big bouquets He sends me.–Rachael Phillips. IN
The waves crashing on the rocks.–Sharon Clark Paavola, CA
A painted sky that morphs into further brilliance as you watch makes me think of Gods hand at work in personal and creative ways. Any bird chirp, flutter, screech or warble. Birds remind me of God’s attention to detail…and his sense of humor.–Debbie Jo Schwarz, MI
So many awesome creations to choose. Tulips today.–Debbie Schroeder, CA
Sunrises and sunsets speak of God’s greatness. When I see beautiful ones, I am reminded that He is much bigger than my problems, and He has everything-including me-under his care and control. I can relax and rest in Him.–Deb Strubel, PA
On our trip to Alaska, we collected heart-shaped rocks and leaves as symbols of God’s love. Now I see heart-shaped objects everywhere.–Nancy Sebastian Kuch, PA
Just as a loving couple has a special song, a nickname for each other, or a favorite pastime, what reminds you of God’s love or gives you a glimpse of His love for you?
I am reminded of God’s love by the people he has it into my life. What a treasure they are.
Dottie, you are indeed blessed.