The last several years I have asked God to give me one word to focus on throughout the year. And he each year he does. Sometimes, like in 2015, he gave me a word in December. The previous year it wasn’t until half way through January that he gave me the word peace.
Once you have a word, it’s fascinating to watch what God reveals about it over the year. For example, I wasn’t aware of how many times peace appears in the Bible. In one translation it is mentioned more than 400 times. A few of the verses that I jotted down in my journal about peace were:
“Peace be with you!” (John 29:19).
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way” (2 Thessalonians 3:6).
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3).
One of the key principles I learned about peace is that when I focus on God and His presence (when my mind is steadfast on Him) I am more likely to experience His peace. I always thought of peace as the absence of pain. Now I understand that even in the midst of troubling times, there can be a peace that comes with Him. I guess that is the kind of peace that passes all understanding.
If you would like to begin this tradition of asking God for a word for the year, here are some suggestions to get you started.
- Specifically pray and do not doubt that the Lord will direct you to your word for 2019.
I am continually surprised how many Christian coaching clients doubt that God speaks to their heart. They somehow have come to think that yes he communicates with others but they are somehow different. I encourage them to get still, pray, and listen to what God brings to their mind. They may not be certain but I encourage them to write down what they think he’s telling them.
- Pay attention as you read Scripture and move throughout your day.
Three years ago as I started praying for my word for 2016, I felt like God was pointing me to the word “joy.” All of a sudden that word seemed to appear everywhere. But I wasn’t certain. There was another word that also seemed to grab my attention. One day I shared with a friend what I thought my word for 2016 was. She asked, “Are you sure it’s joy?”
I wasn’t. The next morning I prayed more intently asking God to make it clear. Hours later, as I walked into an airport shop on a flight home, there in front of me, on the top row of a book carousal, was a little red book entitled Joy. At that same moment I had a sense of God smiling and gently tapping me on the shoulder saying, “There’s your answer.”
- Record in a journal what God reveals to you during the year.
Landing on the word he gives you is one thing, intentionally paying attention to it throughout the months ahead takes focus. Record the Bible verses that relate to your word. What pops up in conversation, on TV, in videos? What life experiences do you encounter pertaining to your word?
- At the end of year, write the key principles God has revealed to you.
It remains to be seen what God will show me about joy in 2016. One friend said to me, “Well at least you have a great word for the year.”
“I’m not so sure,” I replied. “I just read James 1:2, ‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.'” Pain and trials are certainly things I would prefer to avoid in 2016.
A quote I recently jotted down was “Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth.” Who knows, maybe the pain of 2015 will birth joy in 2016. Then again, maybe not. Only God knows for sure.
What I do know is that this year God has me on a joy journey.
Time for Reflection: What word is God leading you to in the new year? What word keeps coming to your mind everywhere you turn?