In the midst of COVID-19 and record-breaking snowstorms, life has been hard lately! Let’s talk about ways of rebuilding JOY today!

Between COVID-19 and the crazy winter weather we’ve been having, it can sometimes feel like we’re barely surviving. Maybe we’re getting a bit of cabin fever or we’re just feeling run down by the heaviness of the season we’re in. Whatever your situation may be, it’s time we talk about ReBUILDing JOY when it feels like our lives have just been turned upside down.

To start, think about where you are in terms of joy right now. I often talk about what I call a “Joy Scale,” which is a simple 1-5 scale with 1 being “no sense of joy at all” and 5 being “I choose joy most of the time.” Where do you land on such a scale today, in this current season of life?

Keep in mind, however, that joy is not a continuous experience, and it isn’t simply looking at our lives through rose-colored glasses.

One of the main reasons we want to identify where we are right now is so we can celebrate the progress we make. If you’re feeling like you’re at a 1 on the Joy Scale currently, then a win for you is to move from a 1 to a 2, where you begin to experience a hint of joy every now and then. Don’t expect to jump from a 1 to a 5 overnight – it’s a process! So, celebrate your small steps toward more joy.

Here are 3 strategies to start ReBUILDing joy today:

1) Eliminate or Minimize Your Joy-Blockers

Joy-blockers are beliefs, feelings, behaviors, or thoughts that keep you stuck and hinder your ability to feel elated. Some examples of joy-blockers can be…

  • when we believe that joy is only experienced in positive situations,
  • when we stuff or numb our feelings so much that we can’t experience pain OR joy,
  • when we fail to own and work through feelings like resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, or envy,
  • when we compare ourselves to others – especially on social media,
  • or when we focus continually on our own problems.

2) Identify or Discover What Brings You Joy

It may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many of us are completely disconnected from what truly brings us joy. If you’re just not sure what you enjoy anymore, try observing yourself in different situations, at a distance – like a third-party observer, noticing what gives you a sense of hope or a pleasant feeling.

But, here’s the catch: you won’t find what brings you joy when your life is so busy you can’t catch your breath. It’s only when you slow down enough to get still and reflect on your life, that you can begin to discover what brings you joy.

So, find space to get quiet, get still, and see what joy you can find in those unhurried minutes.

3) Intentionally CHOOSE Joy

Joy doesn’t spontaneously come in the midst of our crazy lives. Often, we have to CHOOSE joy. As Paul reminds the Philipians, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent of praiseworthy – think about such things.” Our thoughts are our choice. Choose joy!

Here are a few ways to help you choose joy this week:

  • Create a joy journal and capture the moments of joy you discover, so you can RELIVE them again and again, whenever you need a reminder.
  • Plan something you look forward to. The anticipation is priceless!
  • Cross something off your bucket list – and be sure to document the experience!
  • Eliminate relationships that are draining and nurture the ones that are life-giving.
  • Practice gratitude and appreciation for the good things in your life – even the small things!
  • Share joy. Like every good gift from God, joy is not for our pleasure alone, but is intended to be given as a gift to others, as well – which multiplies our joy!

How can you ReBUILD, re-discover, and intentionally choose joy this week? I’d love to hear your ideas and your successes!



P.S. – Although enrollment for ReBUILD ended last week, I do still have spots available for 1-on-1 coaching if you’d like additional support on your journey to ReBUILD joy in your life. Schedule a complimentary discovery call today to see if 1-on-1 coaching is just the joy-builder YOU need!