Do you struggle with fear? Do you sometimes find yourself paralyzed from that fear and unable to move forward with your life? Here are 3 tips to help!

When You Struggle with Fear

We’ve talked a lot about fear over the past few weeks, and it’s safe to say that with all the craziness around the COVID-19 pandemic, fear is a completely understandable reaction.

Think about the circumstances you’re facing right now. Are you frightened by what’s going on in the world? Do you feel helpless to change things?

If so, you’re definitely not alone. Take a look through the Bible: Maybe you can empathize with the Israelites who found themselves hemmed in between the Red Sea and the Egyptians pursuing them in chariots (Exodus 14). Maybe you can emotionally relate to King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20) who learned of the approaching horde of men from Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir bent on destroying him and his people.

Fear is as old as the world — and it is our Enemy’s oldest trick. It can make you wonder if you will survive. You become terrified and paralyzed, unable to take significant action that could ultimately help you.

But, God does not leave us without weapons to fight this battle. When your find yourself filled with fear, remember these three suggestions:

  1. Acknowledge your struggle with fear
  2. Believe God is with you, and
  3. Watch what only God can do.

Acknowledge your struggle with fear.

Name and admit what fear is consuming you. As I mentioned in previous newsletters if you don’t eventually face your fears, they will grow more powerful and louder. Instead, steep yourself in Scripture that speaks of strength and courage. For instance, when God directed Joshua to lead the Hebrew children into the Promise Land, God repeatedly commanded him to be strong and of good courage (Joshua 1). Surround yourself with prayer warriors and people who encourage you in your battle.

Believe God is with you

Where is God in the midst of your struggle with fear? As Charles Stanley says, “You can’t be full of fear and faith at the same time.” When you are frightened and feeling alone or insecure remember as Christians your relationship with Him is secure. Carve out the time and space to experience His love. He loves you no matter what you do and don’t do. Cling to Christ during alarming times, and if he is calling you to action, then step out in faith. Faith doesn’t require that you know what will happen, but rather that you trust God to be with you. Or, as The Message version of Proverbs 3:5-12 states:

Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart;

don’t try to figure out everything on your own.

Listen for GOD’S voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;

He’s the one who will keep you on track.

Don’t assume that you know it all.

Run to GOD! Run from evil!

Your body will glow with health,

your very bones will vibrate with life!


I know I need that promise of glowing, vibrating health right about now. What a fantastic image to cling to during a pandemic!

Watch what only God can do

So many times–in seemingly impossible situations–you have no clue what God can or will do. Could the Israelites imagine that God would part the Red Sea and allow them to walk across on dry ground? Could King Jehoshaphat foresee, before God spoke, that the army of the Israelites would not have to go into battle?

In the last two months, I’ve been living with some painful compression fractures in my back. Recently on my annual flower buying trip, my friends helped me load my car with this year’s plants. But I had no idea how I would unload them without hurting my back. I decided I’d wait until my son came to visit in a few days. But I was concerned with waiting as I did not want the plants to dry out nor did I want to water them in my car.

But another friend had mentioned a few days earlier that when he had time he would come and gather some pine needles from under my pine trees for his garden. I told him I would be away one day buying flowers but to stop over when it worked best for him.

Since he was going to only be at my house for an hour and I had no idea when he would come, imagine my joy to see him when I pulled into my driveway. And guess who unloaded all the flowers? The timing could only have been orchestrated by God.

Pray for the Lord to fight your battles or come to your rescue. Those times are often when there is no other way out. Or when you reach the end of your human strength and resources. A time where you take your concerns and fears to Him, seek His guidance, listen closely and watch what God does.

Whatever your frightening situation – perhaps you lost your job, health, or are financially strapped – as a follower of Jesus Christ, be assured that God is with you. He is working behind the scenes for your good, no matter how scary things look right now.

If you could use a prayer warrior in your corner, please hit ‘reply,’ and let me know what fears are invading your world. My team and I would love to pray alongside you!

Praying for you this week,



P.S. – Sometimes, we need someone “with skin on” to guide us through the our struggles with fear and point us back to God’s path for us. I would love to partner with you on your journey. If you could use that extra support in these trying times, please schedule a complimentary discovery call with me and let’s see if working with a life coach is right for you.