Losing, after all, is nothing we aspire to. We like to win. We love to win. We train to win and sacrifice to win. In business, we esteem the win-win.

Often, however, on the way to winning, we must choose to lose. We give up our desire to sleep in and relax so we can train hard and win that Olympic gold medal. We lose our will to eat whatever we want in order to lose weight and fit into that special dress. We give up our freedom to do whatever feels good or comes naturally when we behave as a person of integrity. We even choose to lose an argument to preserve a relationship.

But what about the times we don’t choose to lose? Like when we lose our job because of downsizing. Or we lose our marriage because our spouse abandons us. We lose our pension because of the economy. We lose our health because of a serious illness, or perhaps we lose a best friend who has passed away or relocated.

These unwanted losses are painful and bring lots of questions and feelings of discouragement, deep sadness, anger, humiliation, shame, or rejection. We struggle spiritually and emotionally. It’s easy to stay stuck in these emotions and go deeper and deeper into despair. Knowing loss is a natural part of life, why do we struggle so much when facing it? Why do we feel like we are the only ones suffering? How do we recognize and process our feelings without staying trapped in them? How do we find the hope, courage and strength to face another day?

I have struggled with all these emotions many times in my life. I lost my health due to several bouts with cancer. I lost my job because I was too weak to work after a bone-marrow transplant. I lost my marriage during the same period of time. As a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania and credentialed life coach, I have walked with others during their dark times. Over the years, I’ve pondered the words of Jesus who said that in order to save our life, we must lose it. As I’ve gained some distance from earlier unwanted losses, I’ve experienced how suffering and loss brought real transformation. I gained an inner strength I never had before.

In this devotional, my prayer is that you will not only be encouraged but also learn to look at your unwanted circumstances in a different way. While facing the harsh realities of your life, you will understand the importance of looking past your struggles to a closer relationship with Jesus. Rather than stoically enduring or giving in to bitterness, you will discover a new way to live—one that enables you to see the bigger picture and be intentional about growing through the toughest of times.

Losing It and Gaining More empowers you to:

Gain new perspectives on unwanted change.

Minimize the time spent in discouragement and despair.

Strengthen your ability to endure and persevere in the midst of pain.

Experience a deeper level of peace and joy regardless of circumstances.