Recently I visited two vineyards that produce grapes for champagne. What I remember most from the tour is that the best champagne comes from harsh, even infertile soil. Apparently, limestone soil is especially good for vines because its hardness forces the vines to struggle as they grow. The roots not only become stronger in the adverse conditions, but they have to grow deeper to find needed nutrients for the plant. It’s not unusual for growers to plant grass between the rows so that what little nutrients are on the surface of the soil will be used by the blades of grass forcing the roots of the vine deeper.

Deep roots on a grape vine are also an asset during times of drought because they have the ability to tap into moisture available only at lower levels of the earth. If it rains too much, surface roots will not only bloat the vine but produce grapes with more moisture and less flavor. Growers know the end result of deep roots will be better grapes which are more likely to produce an outstanding champagne with a complexity of flavors.

While I wasn’t all that interested in learning how to produce great champagne, I did find it fascinating to hear about how challenging situations force deeper roots and yield better fruit.

It made me think of the times when my conditions were hard and difficult. Times when I had few financial resources and lots of bills. Times when my strength was fragile but the physical demands of being a single mother were huge. All those challenges forced me to grow deeper roots in the Lord as he was my only hope for survival. As a result, I developed an inner strength that I never had before.

Likewise, one of my friends, who had been bullied as a child said, “While I was miserable at the time, I am stronger now and a better person for having dealt with it because I have more compassion.”

Are your conditions presently tough and difficult? Maybe you are struggling and believe the solution is that you need more help than you are receiving from those around you. But just like the grape vines that have to fight to grow, your challenging circumstances might be the perfect conditions to force you to grow deeper roots in the Lord. As you rely more on Jesus you will become not only a stronger and better person but more fruitful for Him.

Or maybe things are going well for you right now, but you feel guilty that you are not doing enough for a friend or loved one who is struggling. While you do want to help those who carry enormous burdens, you also need to pray for wisdom and act with discernment. We can offer comfort, encouragement and practical help, but just remember, you can help so much that you rob them of their opportunity to grow deeper roots in Christ.